Ontario's Historical Plaques
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Sacred Heart College
Sainte-Anne des Pins
Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons (1639-1649)
Sainte-Marie II
Salem Chapel, British Methodist Episcopal Church
Salter's Meridian 1856
Samuel de Champlain (died in 1635)
Samuel Lount 1791-1838
Samuel Thomas Greene 1843-1890
The Sandwich First Baptist Church
Sandwich First Baptist Church 1851
Sandyford Place
Sara Jeannette Duncan 1861-1922
Sault Ste. Marie Ship Canal
Schooner Town
The Scotch Settlement 1819
Scott's Mills 1820
The Scouting Movement in Canada
The Scugog Route
The Seigneury of L'Orignal
Senator George T. Fulford 1852-1905
Sergeant Aubrey Cosens, V.C. 1921-1945
Sergeant Frederick Hobson, VC 1873-1917
Sergeant John Pearson, V.C. 1825-1892
Serpent Mounds
The Serpent Mounds
The Settlement of Puslinch
Sharon Temple
Shingwauk Hall
The Siege of Detroit 1763
Sieur de La Vérendrye 1685-1749
Silver Islet 1868
Silver Mining in Canada
Simcoe County Court-House and Gaol
Simon Fraser 1776-1862
Simon James Dawson 1820-1902
The Sinking of the "Mary Ward"
The Sinking of the "Waubuno" 1879
Sir Adam Beck 1857-1925
Sir Adam Beck's Birthplace
Sir Allan Napier MacNab 1798-1862
Sir Allen Bristol Aylesworth 1854-1952
Sir Ambrose Thomas Stanton, M.D., K.C.M.G. 1875-1938
Sir Arthur William Currie 1875-1933
Sir Byron Edmund Walker, C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L. 1848-1924
Sir Casimir S. Gzowski 1813-1898
Sir Charles Bagot 1781-1843
Sir Charles Edward Saunders 1867-1937
Sir Charles Stanley Monck 1819-1894
Sir Collingwood Schreiber 1831-1918
Sir Edmund Walker Head 1805-1868
Sir Edouard Percy Cranwill Girouard 1867-1932
Sir Edward Robert Peacock, G.C.V.O. 1871-1962
Sir Edward Robert Peacock G.C.V.O. (1871-1962)
Sir Edward Wentworth Beatty 1877-1943
Sir Francis Hincks 1807-1885
Sir Francis Hincks at Renfrew
Sir George William Ross 1841-1914
Sir George W. Ross 1841-1914
Sir Gilbert Parker 1862-1932
Sir James Lucas Yeo 1782-1818
Sir James Pliny Whitney 1843-1914
Sir John A. Macdonald 1815-1891
Sir John Alexander Macdonald 1815-1891
Sir John Carling 1828-1911
Sir John Cunningham McLennan, 1867-1935
Sir John Harvey 1778-1852
Sir John Johnson House
Sir John Johnson's Mills
Sir John Stephen Willison 1856-1927
Sir Mackenzie Bowell (1823-1917)
Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G. 1823-1917
Sir Oliver Mowat 1820-1903
Sir Richard Bonnycastle, 1791-1847
Sir Richard Cartwright 1835-1912
Sir Richard William Scott 1825-1913
Sir Rodmond P. Roblin 1853-1937
Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe 1763-1851
Sir Sam Hughes 1853-1921
Sir Sam Steele
Sir Sandford Fleming 1827-1915
Sir William Buell Richards 1815-1889
Sir William C. Van Horne 1843-1915
Sir William H. Hearst 1864-1941
Sir William James Gage 1849-1921
Sir William Mackenzie 1849-1923
Sir William Mackenzie (1849-1923)
Sir William Mulock 1843-1944
Sir William Osler 1849-1919
Sir William Pearce Howland 1811-1907
The Six Nations
Skirmish at McCrae's House
Skirmishes at the Canard River
The Slomans and the CNR School on Wheels
Smiths Falls Bascule Bridge
Southwold Earthworks
St. Andrew's Anglican Church
St. Andrew's Church
St. Andrew's Church 1812
St. Andrew's Church 1832
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 1840
The St. Clair Tunnel
St. James Church 1826
St. James-on-the-Lines 1836
St. John's Anglican Church 1823
St. John's Church
St. John's Church 1834
St. Johns
St. Jude's Paintings
St. Mark's Church
St. Mark's Church 1822
St. Mark's Church 1843
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral
St. Paul's 1785 H.M. Chapel of the Mohawks
St. Paul's Cathedral 1846
St. Paul's Church
St. Paul's Church 1834
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church
St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica
St. Peter's Church 1827
St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
St. Raphael's Ruins
St. Thomas Canada Southern Railway Station
St. Thomas City Hall
St. Thomas' Church 1824
St. Thomas' Church 1838
Stamford Park
Steamboating in Muskoka 1866-1959
Steamboating on Lake Simcoe
Steamboating on the Upper Ottawa
Steep Rock Iron Range
Stephen Butler Leacock 1869-1944
Stephen Leacock 1869-1944
Stone Church Hastings
The Stone Frigate
Stratford City Hall
Stratford Normal School 1908
The Sudbury Basin
Summerhill 1839
"Summit House"
Superior's First Shipyard
Surrender of Indian Lands
Survey of the Great Lakes
Susanna Moodie 1803-1885
Sydenham Public School