Ontario's Historical Plaques
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Sir John Carling 1828-1911

Photos by contributor Wayne Adam - Posted September, 2011
Photo Source - Wikipedia
Plaque Location
The County of Middlesex
The City of London
In the entrance foyer of City Hall
on the northeast corner of Dufferin Avenue and Wellington Street
Coordinates: N 42 59.277 W 81 14.750 |
Plaque Text
Born in London Township, Carling succeeded his father as President of Carling Brewing and Malting Co., entered politics as a Conservative and represented London in the Legislative Assembly of Canada (1857-67), in the provincial legislature (1867-73), and in the House of Commons (1867-74, 1878-91, and 1892-5). Called to the Senate in 1891, he resigned the following year only to be reappointed in 1896. He held portfolios in several cabinets but his most significant contribution to Canadian life occurred when, as Minister of Agriculture (1885-92), he founded the system of Dominion Experimental Farms. He died at London.
Related Ontario plaques
Port Carling 1869
Central Experimental Farm
Sir Charles Edward Saunders 1867-1937
William Saunders 1836-1914
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