Ontario's Historical Plaques
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St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
![St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church](/Graphics/Image_ChathamKent08.jpg)
Photo by contributor Wayne Adam - Posted September, 2011
Photo from Google Street View ©2011 Google - Posted January, 2011
Photo by contributor Wayne Adam - Posted September, 2011
Plaque Location
The Municipality of Chatham-Kent
On the north side of Road 36 at street number 5425
4 km west of Merlin Road (Road 7)
Coordinates: N 42 20.388 W 82 21.687 |
Plaque Text
The religious centre for a thriving Franco-Ontario community, this substantial brick structure was built to serve La Paroisse de St. Pierre sur la Tranche, the second oldest Roman Catholic parish in southwestern Ontario, established in 1802. It was erected in 1896, with volunteer labour provided by parishioners, and replaced an earlier building destroyed by fire the year before. Prominently situated in a rural setting overlooking the Thames River, St. Peter's is distinguished by its tall, square tower, spiral steeple and decorative brickwork. The church's most notable features however are the eighteen ecclesiastical paintings that grace the interior. Commissioned in 1920, they are the work of Marie Joseph Georges Delfosse (1869-1939), a French-Canadian artist noted for his religious and historical tableaux.
Here are the visitors' comments for this page.
Posted May 23, 2012
You have the right place. There are a number of Ouellettes(my relations also)buried here as well as L'Immaculee Conception Cemetary in Pain Court, Ontario nearby. I have pictures of some of the tombstones on my family tree (public) "MAIN TREE Thomas A. Roy Branch: Roy Family Tree" on ancestry.ca. You are welcome to copy the pictures if you like. Check also Charline Ouellette Branch: Roy Family Tree. I made my first communion in this church. Chief Tecumseh stopped here on his way to battle during the war of 1812.
Roger E. Roy
PS I have a feeling Tecumseh may have been buried here in secret, after the Battle of the Thames.
Posted March 7, 2012
Is this the Catholic Church in or near Jeannette's Creek, Tilbury East Townshiop, County of Kent, Ontario, Canada? I am doing some genealogy and believe the Ouellette Family were memebers of theis parish for many generations.
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