Ontario's Historical Plaques
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Sir Edmund Walker Head 1805-1868

Photo by contributor Colin Old - Posted October, 2009
Photo Source - Wikipedia
Plaque Location
The City of Ottawa
In Major's Hill Park near the Alexandra Bridge
Coordinates: N 45 25.693 W 75 41.959 |
Plaque Text
In 1848, Sir Edmund Walker Head was the first civilian appointed lieutenant governor of New Brunswick and presided over the introduction of responsible government to the colony. He ably administered New Brunswick affairs until he became governor general of British North America in 1854. In this post he influenced Queen Victoria's choice of Ottawa as the capital of the Province of Canada. Following his appointment as governor general he became a strong champion of Confederation, a cause he had been advocating for some years. He returned to his native England in 1861.
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Sir Charles Stanley Monck 1819-1894
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