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Robert Nichol c.1774-1824

Photo by contributor Brenda Hopkins - Posted December, 2009
Photo by contributor Wayne Adam - Posted October, 2010
Plaque Location
The County of Norfolk
In Port Dover, beside the Lynn River on Tisdale Road
just north of Prospect Street at the northern end of town
Coordinates: N 42 47.945 W 80 12.823 |
Plaque Text
Born in Scotland, Robert Nichol moved to Upper Canada in 1792 and settled in Port Dover in 1808, where he established milling, brewing, and distilling businesses. During the War of 1812 Nichol served as quartermaster-general of the Upper Canadian militia, worked closely with Isaac Brock and was frequently engaged in action against American forces. He endured crippling personal losses when enemy troops burned his mills and home near this site in 1814. Nichol held several civil offices, and between 1812 and his death in 1824, represented Norfolk in the colony's legislative assembly. Initially, he supported the government, but led the opposition from 1817, calling for democratic reform and public initiatives to improve the economy. Nichol contributed much to the province in terms of its civic development in its formative prewar years, defence during desperate times, and in its political maturation in the postwar period.
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