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Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe 1763-1851

Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted August, 2004
Photo from Google Earth ©2010 Google - Posted November, 2010
Photo Source - Wikipedia
Plaque Location
The Region of Niagara
The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
On Niagara Parkway just south of Queenston
on the walkway circling the Brock Monument
Coordinates: N 43 09.619 W 79 03.183 |
Plaque Text
On October 13, 1812, following Isaac Brock's death in a preceding assault, Major-General Sheaffe assumed command and led a successful attack which dislodged an invading American force from Queenston Heights. Born in Boston, Mass., Sheaffe was commissioned in the British army in 1778 and fought in the American Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. Arriving in Upper Canada in 1812, he served as Administrator of the province 1812-13, and returned to England in the latter year. He was created a baronet in 1813, attained the rank of general in 1838 and died in Edinburgh, Scotland.
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