Ontario's Historical Plaques
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Photos and transcription by contributor Wayne Adam - Posted December, 2010
Plaque Location
The County of Haldimand
In Nanticoke, on the front of a former school (S.S. No. 1), on the south side of Rainham Road, just east of Riverside Drive
Coordinates: N 42 48.558 W 80 04.759 |
Plaque Text
On 13th November, 1813, Norfolk volunteer militia, led by Lieutenant Colonel Henry Bostwick, routed a band of American marauders who had terrorized the country. This exploit inspirited the military forces, restored the confidence of the people, and was an important factor in the immediate recovery of lost ground.
Related Ontario plaque
Lieutenant-Colonel John Bostwick 1780-1849
War of 1812
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