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The Armenian Boys' Farm Home, Georgetown

Photo by contributor George Nassas - Posted December, 2010
Plaque Location
The Region of Halton
The Town of Halton Hills
In Georgetown, in Cedarvale Park
entrance off Main Street South just south of Maple Avenue
at the east end of the parking area
Coordinates: N 43 38.755 W 79 55.088 |
Plaque Text
On July 1, 1923, a group of 50 Armenian boys arrived at this farm site from an orphanage in Corfu, Greece. The 'Georgetown Boys,' as they came to be known, arrived in Canada between 1923 and 1927 - 109 boys in all. The orphans were survivors of the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923). Their plight touched the hearts of thousands of Canadians, who raised significant funds and lobbied the Canadian government to bring them here. Under the care and supervision of the Armenian Canadian Relief Fund's Farm and Home Committee, the children lived at Cedarvale Farm located on this property and were taught English and farming skills. By 1928, the orphans were placed with farm families in Southwestern Ontario. As adults, most of the Armenians became Canadian citizens and chose to remain in this country. By providing assistance to non-British Commonwealth refugees, the Armenian Boys' Farm Home was the first humanitarian effort of its kind in Canada.
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Here are the visitors' comments for this page.
Posted May 21, 2017
As a child born and raised in St Catharines, I can remember my mom speaking of the "Georgetown Orphans". Interested in knowing the history of the boys, and their lives as they lived them. Thanks for the article. Appreciated.
Jim Hosepian
Posted April 25, 2015
The Armenian Genocide began this day, 100 years ago, April 24, 1915, when some 250 local leaders and intellectuals were arrested in Constantinople (Istanbul), and later killed. They were the first of an estimated 800,000 to 1.5 million people executed by the Ottoman government in a campaign that lasted beyond the First World War. The Georgetown Boys escaped with their lives, and memories of the horror. -Wayne
Posted February 5, 2013
I visited Cedarvale Park last weekend to look at the plaque for the Georgetown Boys. I couldn't help but be touched by the significance and history of the place. The house, although regular and normal looking, is part of the history of some orphan children who witnessed the worst genocide of its time. The Armenian genocide, even though not given attention was the worst massacre of innocent people of its time and probably even now.
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