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The West Montrose Covered Bridge Next is a County of Wellington Plaque

Plaque Location
The Region of Waterloo
The Township of Woolwich
On Rivers Edge Drive at Covered Bridge Drive, west of Regional Road 23 just south of Regional Road 86

Plaque Photographer
Alan L Brown

More Information

Public Library
March 28, 2004

Text from the West Montrose Covered Bridge Plaque
This structure, the only remaining covered bridge in Ontario, was designed by John Bear in 1880, on the authority of Woolwich Township Council, to replace an earlier bridge over the Grand River. Built a year later by John and his brother Benjamin, the 198-foot bridge was covered to protect the wooden flooring and frame against the elements. Known locally as the Kissing Bridge, it later came under the jurisdiction of Waterloo County. In 1937 the province assumed responsibility for the Guelph-Elmira Road, including the West Montrose Bridge, and its floor and sub-structure were subsequently rebuilt and reinforced.