Ontario's Provincial Plaques

Here's where you can learn a little Ontario history.

District Court-House and Gaol 1825

District Court House and Gaol 1825

Photo by Alan L Brown - July 2, 2005

Plaque Location

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell
The Township of Champlain
In L'Orignal, on the SE corner of Queen Street and Court Street, one block south of King Street

Plaque Text

In 1816 the Ottawa District was established and the Courts of Quarter Session, which at that time possessed local administrative as well as judicial authority, were held in the Township of Longueuil. In 1824 Jacob Marston donated a plot of land in this vicinity for the portion of the present building, constructed by Donald McDonald and Walter Beckworth, contractors, was completed. Designed in the Loyalist Neo-Classic style, this is the oldest remaining court-house in the province. Extensive additions were made in 1861-62.

Here's More
Court Houses

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Posted September 29, 2008
is walter beckworth related to tom beckworth of ottawa. my grandpas name is arthur leo beckworth ottawa. born 1920-died 2005. email me kvav@rogers.com

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