Ontario's Provincial Plaques
Here's where you can learn a little Ontario history.
Carlsbad Springs

Photo by Alan L Brown - June 30, 2005
Plaque Location
The City of Ottawa
In a picnic area across a small footbridge to the left of a parking lot on the south side of County 26 just west of Carlsbad Springs at the blue P24 sign
Plaque Text
In the 1860s, local innkeeper Daniel Eastman offered water from the natural mineral springs in this area for drinking and bathing. His inn was followed by larger hotels where guests were invited to "take the waters" for ailments such as rheumatism, nervousness, and digestive disorders. Eastman's Springs was soon a fashionable meeting place for Ottawa society. Also known as Cathartic, it became Carlsbad Springs by the early twentieth century when the Boyd family, owners of the largest hotel, named their establishment after a famous European spa. By supplementing spa therapy with social and recreational activities, the resort's four hotels remained popular until the Second World War. This springhouse was part of the Boyd spa complex.
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