Here's where you can learn a little Ontario history
Port Stanley
![Port Stanley](/Graphics/Image_Elgin24.jpg)
Photos by Alan L Brown - June, 2009
Plaque Location
In The Municipality of Central Elgin in The County of Elgin
at coordinates N 42 39.955 W 81 12.716
on cairn at the main corner in Port Stanley.
© 2009 Microsoft
Plaque Text
Kettle Creek was called by the Iroquois the "Kanagio", by the Ojibwas the "Akiksibi", by the French the "Riviére Tonti:. Among early visitors were: Louis Jolliet, September, 1669; Dollier and Galinée, April 1670; the Celoron expedition, October, 1749; Sir William Johnson, 26th August, 1761; Colonel Thomas Talbot, 1801; Lord Stanley, 1824. First settler, John Bostwick, 1804. General Brock's expedition encamped on the beach, 9th August, 1812, on its way to Detroit.
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