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Aurora Public School

Photo by contributor Wayne Adam - Posted February, 2012

Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted April, 2004
Plaque Location
The Region of York
The Town of Aurora
At the northwest corner of Victoria Street and Church Street
one block east of Yonge Street
two blocks south of Wellington Street
Coordinates: N 43 59.826 W 79 27.930 |
Plaque Text
Constructed in 1886, the Aurora Public School is one of the finest remaining examples in Ontario of a public school designed in the High Victorian manner. The building features a picturesque or irregular silhouette, a mixture of styles and an abundance of decoration. Its prominent architectural details include a belvedere atop a hipped roof, parapet gables with bold finials and an ornamented belfry. These elements are enhanced by the use of elaborate brickwork for the relieving arches and textured panels. Although the school's interior has been altered over the years, the exterior retains its original elegance and is indicative of the importance placed upon education here and throughout the province in the late nineteenth century.
Aurora Plaques
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Alan L Brown
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