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Waterloo County

Photo by contributor Jay Smith - Posted November, 2005
Photo by contributor Jay Smith - Posted November, 2005
Photo from Google Street View ©2011 Google - Posted January, 2011
Plaque Location
The Region of Waterloo
The City of Kitchener
At the corner of Queen Street North and Weber Street
Coordinates: N 43 27.116 W 80 29.220 |
Plaque Text
Waterloo County held its first council meeting on January 24, 1853, on this site, at the newly-built county courthouse in Berlin (now Kitchener). Council's 12 members came from five townships (North Dumfries, Waterloo, Wellesley, Wilmot, Woolwich) and two villages (Galt, Preston) and selected the reeve of Waterloo Township, Dr. John Scott, as the county's first warden. With the establishment of Waterloo County emerged a series of enduring institutions including roads and bridges, a judiciary and jail, grammar (or high) schools, a House of Industry and Refuge, agricultural societies and local markets. On January 1, 1973 the Waterloo County area became the Regional Municipality of Waterloo.
Here are the visitors' comments for this page.
> Posted July 23, 2008
There are 3 plaques at this location. From left to right one each in German, French and English.
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