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John McIntosh 1777-1846

Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted June, 2005

Photo from Google Street View ©2010 Google - Posted October, 2010
Plaque Location
The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry
The Township of South Dundas
In Dundela, on the north side of Road 18,
just west of the centre of the village
Coordinates: N 44 56.422 W 75 18.419 |
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Plaque Text
McIntosh's parents emigrated from Inverness, Scotland to the Mohawk Valley, N.Y., and John moved to Upper Canada in 1796. In 1811 he acquired a farm near this site, and while clearing the land of second growth discovered several apple seedlings. He transplanted these, and one bore the superior fruit which became famous as the McIntosh Red apple. John's son Allan established a nursery and promoted this new species extensively. It was widely acclaimed in Ontario and the northern United States, and was introduced into British Columbia about 1910. Its popularity in North America and propagation in many lands attest the initiative and industry of John McIntosh and his descendants.
Related Ontario plaque
The McIntosh Apple
Here are the visitors' comments for this page.
> Posted September 30, 2012
My uncle Walter Foster Goggin married Claire McIntosh. I heard she was a direct descendant of the original family who developed the wonderful apple. My uncle and Aunt Claire resided in Montreal, Canada. I stayed at their home in 1959 with my husband and baby daughter. I would love to know more on Aunt Claire. I know she was an R.N. in Montreal, Canada.
Thank you,
> Posted July 17, 2011
Miss Markel. My name is Gerd Skof and I'm the owner of the McIntosh Place. In 1987-twenty four (24) years ago, Mr. Keith Lewis lived at my place with his wife and 3 children. 2 of the children were twins, just born a few months before. Now they would be 25 years old. They lived in Dundela until 2years ago. Mr. Keit Lewis lives in Williamsburg now. Mr. Keith Lewis was 24 years ago not the first tenant I had. Before a lady with the name Heather Anderson was on a lease. When the lease was up, her father was a lawyer and he bought her a farm 2 km south of Metcalfe on the eight line. I hope this refreshes your memory.
> Posted May 26, 2011
Mr. Gerd Skoff. You have not owned the Mcintosh Place for 25 years. My family has lived right across the road for 23 1/2 years now and there have been several families that have lived there as I grew up. I really like how people are posting on here but I do not agree with people lying about things that are not true, Thank you The Markell Family
> Posted February 16, 2011
Hi. My name is Joyce Mcintosh and my father's name is Kenneth Delos Mcintosh and he was born in 1909 and my grandfather's name is Adelbert Mcintosh born in 1869. As a child my father and mother took me to Prescott, Ontario to visit my father's cousins and I believe that I am a descendent of John Mcintosh
Thank you. Joyce
> Posted December 20, 2010
I have a piece of the very first Mcintosh apple tree. John McIntosh was a great-great Uncle of my mothers. And she inherited a piece of the original McIntosh apple tree a few decades back. Her Great-Grandmother had another piece that was lost after her death and I believe there is one in a museum somewhere in Canada
> Posted July 22, 2010
My name is Gerd Skof and I own for the last 25 years the McIntosh apple place. Sadly many of the second and third generation apple trees collapsed during the ice storm and one very cold winter in the 1990, but I replanted many more trees, some are 50% Mcintosh apples like Cortland and Spartans. One very old Melba tree still stands and some old Lobos are producing lots of fruits every year. The old Eni Mini Pear tree still exists near the McIntosh Monument on the County road 18, this tree is originally from the experimental farm and was planted by the McIntosh Family some 90 years ago. It is a super fruit tree with 300 lbs of pears every year. Beside I planted some Bartlet Pear trees, they are producing in 2010. Many years ago in 1997 I met Harvey McIntosh, the last McIntosh who lived at the farm with his Mother Olive and Sam McIntosh, he mentioned an old blue Plum tree which I was not aware. Out of this tree I have 12 plum trees growing and fruiting. There are also wild plums on the property, some 40 trees. The trees are small, but produce plentiful of wild plums every year. There is a winegrower in Brockville, he bottles wild plum wine and sells this in his winery. Very good wine. And last not least there are berries, tons of raspberries. This year I harvested some 100 Liter, which will keep me young. The house is unique, it has some 3000 sq.ft plus of tinwalls and ceilings. Perhaps the house is a little big for me and my wife Claire and the cats.
Gerd Skof, 11551 Dundela Road, Dundela, ON KOE1K0
> Posted September 9, 2009
I love the McIntosh apples my name [McIntosh] I do believe that with all the talk over the years and the names and places of kids. Not to mention the farm in ontario that certain names used but also common seem to reflect a part of my Heritage in Canada only. My family has used certain names in different but always kept the names.When one is looking for the family tree and times names dates plus other things show up it makes a person wonder. If you have any input you may mail Doug McIntosh, or John Rodney Mcintosh plus by now too many to list at THE SPECIALIST in care of or Thanking you in advance Doug E McIntosh and John Rodney McIntosh
> Posted June 12, 2009
Mac's are the only apple that I eat. It's June 12th and the store just received a shipment of Macs from a package place in Mass. These apples are very good.
> Posted November 13, 2008
McIntosh is my favorite apple for eating and in making pies. It has such a delicious taste compared to other kinds of apples.
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