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Charlotte Elizabeth Whitton, O.C., C.B.E. 1896-1975

Photos by Alan L Brown with assistance from Sally Brown - Posted September, 2012
Plaque Location
The City of Ottawa
Attached to a rock on the ground on the west side of
a paved pathway along the west side of Green Island
between Sussex Drive and Union Street
Coordinates: N 45 26.319 W 75 41.639 |
Plaque Text
The first woman mayor of Canada's capital, 1951-56 and 1961-64, Charlotte Whitton was born in Renfrew, educated there and at Queen's University. In 1920 she became secretary of the Canadian Council on Child Welfare (later the Canadian Welfare Council) and as its first executive director, 1926-41, worked energetically to improve the condition of indigent mothers. Fiery and controversial, Charlotte Whitton represented Canada on the League of Nations Social Questions Committee and investigated Alberta welfare practices for the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire of which she was a lifelong member. She wrote prolifically on a variety of subjects including lumbering on the Ottawa and Canadian women in war. Her many distinctions included honourary degrees from Smith College, Queen's and Acadia Universities.
Ottawa Plaques
Here are the visitors' comments for this page.
> Posted September 8, 2016
Several days ago (Aug. 2016) I sent an email to city Councillor Mathieu Fleury...with pictures, concerning the shameful condition of the plaque 'honouring' former Ottawa mayor, Charlotte Whitton. I received an acknowledgement, then an invitation to post my concern on this site. I see that, as long ago as 2009, others have posted concerns as well. Perhaps it is time to clean up the plaque, get it off the ground, and relocate it in a place where people can see it. The geese have used it as a path to the river long enough.
Arlene MacDonald
> Posted July 2, 2013
My husband and I visited this plaque on Canada Day 2013. It is in disgraceful condition, covered in Canada Goose excrement, dirt and dead leaves. It is in the worst condition of any of the dozens of provincial plaques that we have visited over the years. I am going to contact the Ontario Heritage Trust and my City of Ottawa councillor to ask them to move the plaque to Ottawa's current City Hall (location adopted by the City upon amalgamation in 2001), where it belongs.
> Posted August 27, 2009
This plaque requires serious and immediate restoration.
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Alan L Brown
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