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Church of St. John the Evangelist

Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted August, 2004
Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted March, 2007
Plaque Location
The Region of Niagara
The City of Niagara Falls
On the east side of Portage Road
half a block north of O'Neil Street
Coordinates: N 43 07.427 W 79 05.964 |
Plaque Text
One of the province's oldest Anglican churches, St. John's was begun in 1825, during the pastorate of the Reverend William Leeming, and consecrated three years later. It was erected under the auspices of Lieutenant-Governor Sir Peregrine Maitland, who had a summer residence nearby, with additional financial support and gifts of land and furnishings donated by Robert Henry Dee, a retired officer of the Commissariat Department, John Beverley Robinson, Attorney-General of Upper Canada, and other civic and military officials. Picturesquely set facing Stamford Green, the simple, rectangular structure is enhanced by Gothic-style windows and a square battlemented belfry. St. John's remained in continuous religious use until 1957 when a new church was completed and, though somewhat altered, it retains its original character.
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Alan L Brown
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