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Christian Warner 1754-1833

Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted August, 2004

Photo by contributor Wayne Adam - Posted October, 2010
Plaque Location
The Region of Niagara
The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
At the cemetery at the west end of Warner Road, 1.6 km south and west from the intersection of York Road (Road 81) and Concession Road 6
Coordinates: N 43 08.810 W 79 08.554 |
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Plaque Text
Born in Albany County, N.Y., Warner served in Butler's Rangers during the American Revolution, and settled in this vicinity shortly after the corps was disbanded in 1784. Converted to Methodism, Warner became the leader of one of the earliest "Methodist Classes" in the province. Services were held at his home, and in 1801 a simple frame chapel was erected on his property. It became known as the "Warner Meeting House" and was the first Methodist church in Canada west of the Bay of Quinte. This structure was replaced about 1870 by a new chapel. The adjacent "Warner Burying Ground" contains the graves of Christian Warner and other pioneer Loyalist settlers of this region.
Related Ontario plaque
Butler's Rangers
Niagara-on-the-Lake Plaques
Here are the visitors' comments for this page.
> Posted May 20, 2017
Another Warner descendent here, via Elizabeth and Adam Chrysler. Is there ever a gathering of the clan?
That would be neat :)
Joanne Paterson
> Posted April 12, 2014
Hi. I was researching one of my ancestor's land petitions and found Christian Warner's land petition misfiled in the Upper Canada Land Patents microfilms. You can find it in reel C-2194 Vol 332 M6 document #60.
> Posted January 6, 2014
Descendant of his, through his daughter Barbara who married Samuel Jones. This line is a large line. Still growing every year. Thank you for posting!
> Posted December 15, 2013
I am a direct descendant of Christian Warner. Daughter of Wayne Warner. If I am not mistaken, Christian would be my 7th great grandfather. Certainly a very interesting history surrounding the name.
Cassandra Warner
> Posted May 20, 2013
I am also a descendant of Christian Warner. My grandfather was James Avery Warner DOB Dec. 8, 1882-1954 who was the great great grandson of Christian, through Peter and Mary van Avery, and son of James Warner 1844-1925 and Mary Stull (1849-1891). I would be happy to hear from other descendants as I am very interested in our historic family.
> Posted September 16, 2012
Christian Warner (1754-1833) is my 6th great grandfather
Elizabeth Warner (1782-1874) Daughter of Christian
Elizabeth Chrysler (1798-1878) Daughter of Elizabeth
Adam Stewart (1816-1906) Son of Elizabeth
Benjamin Stewart (1852-1928) Son of Adam
Annie Laura Stewart (1871-1946) Daughter of Benjamin
Leta Marie Rycroft (1906-1983) Daughter of Annie Laura
Joyce Marie McPherson (1934-) Daughter of Leta Marie
MWO (Ret'd) John William Ramsay CD, UE
> Posted June 10, 2012
I am also a direct descendant of Christian/Gertraud Eckart. Their son Mathew married Lois Ostrander. They had 13 Children, one was Peter (married Caroline Clement), they had 9 children, one was my great great grandfahter Daniel.C (married Mary Stewart), they had 4 children, one was my great grandfather Walter D (married Olive Secord, then Mabel Bacon), they had my grandfather Donald Carl Warner (married Lillian Whelen), they had my father Wayne Warner (married Brenda Dillane), who had me. My dad remarried (Lina Diffilipo)and had a step-daughter Gemma and my sister Cassandra. Would love to chat with other descendants. I have a family tree going back to Ludwig Wanner (1692)
> Posted March 15, 2012
I am a decendent of Christian Warner. My line is Peter 1786-1855,maried Mary VanEvery 1807.son James 1822-1897 married Mary Ann House 1844.Son Chritopher 1852-1880 married Emily Richardson. Daughter,Florence Mabel Warner 1879-1976 married John Acheson.Son Herbert James? Daughter, Effie Warner 1888-1923, married 1914 Albert Earl Alkins.They had three children one of them was my mother. I am looking for decendents of this line,I lost contact many years ago with a granddaughter of Florance(Mimi)last we spoke she was on the East coast of Canada, should you read this please contact me at
> Posted August 29, 2011
I am looking for the Collard family located in Warner Cemetery. My family orginated from NYC to St.David's Canada after the Revolutionary War (John Collard was a U.E.). John Collard had his home burned down in 1814 by Gen. Brown's Army. I would love to know if the family tombstones have survived and gather any information from them. Please contact me at
Sincerely, Julie C.
> Posted July 16, 2011
I am a direct descendant of christian Warner through his daughter Elizabeth, who married Adam Chrysler. Their daughter, Rebecca, was my 3rd great grandmother who married William Whetham. It is my understanding that after Adam's death, Rebecca and her younger brother Christian went to live with Christian and his wife Charity. I have also recently been informed that Elizabeth remarried Benjamin Stewart.
> Posted February 14, 2011
My name is Keirstyn Warner, also a descendant of Christian Warner. I currently live in Thorold and my uncle lives on warner road on the property that Christian livedon(behind chateau descharmes NOTL). I also have historic documents of his whole life, family, land, maps, etc. One document tracks the warners back to 1627 with the name wanner originally from Switzerland. Anyone that would like more information can contact me at
> Posted January 15, 2011
I am also a descendent of Christian Warner, through his daughter Elizabeth and Adam Chrysler. My great grandfather's mother was Rebecca Chrysler, Adam and Elizabeth's second youngest child.
> Posted September 21, 2010
My name is John Ramsay and I am a direct descendant of Chrisian. His daughter Elizabeth married Benjamin Stewart who had a son, "Benjamin". This Benjamin married Elisibeth Crysler (Elisabeth's Father, Adam was hanged 20 July 1814 for the "Bloody Assize of 1814". Their son Adam Stewart married Sophia Buck and had a son, Benjamin (probably named for his Grandfather). Benjamin married Sarah Jane Davidson and my Great Grandmother, Annie was born. Annie married Joseph Rycroft, producing my Grandmother Leta who later married Hugh McPherson. My mother was born to them, she is deaf and spent most of her childhood at the Belleville School for the Deaf. My Father is a Ramsay. I have been fascinated with this family just recently discovering our roots which go back to NATHANIEL MORTON (Early Plymouth settler) and Gretnje Reyniers (c.1600) of which a book was written "The drowning room" as the first "lady of the evening" of New York city!
> Posted March 24, 2010
Christian Warner is my 4th great Grandfather. His daughter Margaret married Abraham Overholt Jr. and our line continues from there. I love the family history and would love to find out any information about his involvement in Butler's Rangers.
> Posted February 28, 2010
I am Bruce Edward Warner.I am a direct descendant of Christian Warner.I currently reside in my home province of British Columbia.My ancestral line stems from Christians' son Matthew,then on to Matthews' son Daniel,then to Brazilla,then on to James Herbert,then to Clifford and then to my recently deceased father William.If anyone has some historical documentation regarding our most proud and distingished heritage,please e-mail me at
> Posted October 12, 2009
I chair the board of the Warner Cemetery where this plaque is located and have done for the past 30 years or more. I'm a direct descendant of Christian (also spelled Christeyan) and my father was born and raised in the Christian Warner home which was located near the cemetery. The farm was sold to Bright's Winery by my grandfather in the 1940's and the house torn down and replaced about 5 years ago by the current owners. John D. Warner
> Posted August 28, 2009
I too am a descendent of Christian Warner's son Peter and would like to meet other descendents who are living in B.C.
> Posted April 26, 2009
I am also a descendant of Christian Warner's son Matthew. If you're interested in a little bit more information on Christian I have some interesting documents that I've been going through on him and his family. I literally have a chest of documents and trinkets from the Warner and Reynolds families. If you wish to contact me:
Technically you are all my family. Very cool! Cheers all!
> Posted April 13, 2009
My husband is a descendent of Christian Warner. He is Christopher Warner, named after him. I am a Warner by marriage and am enthralled in the heritage of this family. We live in St. David's and my son who is Logan, finds it extremely amusing that we have a street and a cemetery in our name. He is six and has yet to understand the historical importance of his name.
> Posted February 9, 2009
I am a descendent of Christian (Chrystian) Warner's son Peter now living in B.C. and hope to visit this cemetery so appreciate the directions and the pictures.
> Posted July 30, 2008
I am also a descendant of Christian. The Col. John Butler Branch of the UELAC erected a "Loyalist Burial Site" plaque this year along with Van Every and Warner family present.
> Posted July 16, 2008
My father, Charles Edward Warner, is a direct descendant of Christian Warner. I would very much like for him to see this cemetary - he will be 90 years old this year. Thanks for the directions.
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