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The Field House

Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted August, 2004
Photo from Google Street View ©2010 Google - Posted November, 2010
Photo by Alan L Brown - Posted March, 2007
Plaque Location
The Region of Niagara
The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
On a pull-off on the west side of Niagara Parkway
1.2 km south of Line 3 Road, at street number 15284
Coordinates: N 43 12.117 W 79 03.371 |
Plaque Text
One of the oldest brick houses in Ontario, this handsome Georgian structure was built about 1800. Originally a farm house, it was the home of Gilbert Field (1765-1815), a United Empire Loyalist who was in possession of the land by 1790. During the War of 1812 the house was used by British forces and was subjected to a brief bombardment from an American battery. Though damaged, it was one of the few homes in the area to survive the hostilities. It remained in the Field family until about 1925, after which it passed through various hands. In 1968 the Ontario Heritage Foundation acquired the property to ensure its continued preservation and twelve years later the Field House was returned to private ownership with a protective covenant.
War of 1812
Niagara-on-the-Lake Plaques
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Alan L Brown
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