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Sir John Harvey 1778-1852

Photo by contributor Brian Bockus - Posted May 31, 2018
Photo by contributor Brian Bockus - Posted May 31, 2018
Photo Source - Wikipedia
Plaque Location
The City of Hamilton
At Dundurn Castle's parking lot
Coordinates: N 43 16.170 W 79 53.125 |
Plaque Text
From these heights, Lieutenant-Colonel John Harvey set out with about 700 men on the night of June 5, 1813, to launch a surprise attack on an invading United States force of some 3,000 men camped at Stoney Creek. His rout of the troops commanded by Brigadier-General John Chandler under cover of darkness in the early hours of June 6, is generally credited with saving Upper Canada from being overrun by the enemy. Harvey was knighted in 1824, served as Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, 1834-41, Governor of Newfoundland, 1841-46, and Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, 1846-51.
Other plaques at this location
Dundurn Castle 1832
Dundurn Castle
Sir Allan Napier MacNab 1798-1862
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Hamilton Plaques
Here are the visitors' comments for this page.
> Posted December 12, 2013
Hi my name is Steve Walsh I live in Newfoundland,I have John Harvey's passport. I bought it from a person in England about eight years ago.I lived in Michigan when I bought it. I am from Newfoundland originally,I though it only had historic value to Newfoundland.I guess that is not the case.I am going to put it on eBay or Craigslist for sale. I have some interest right now from the Niagara Falls, Ont. area. This passport was inspected here in Newfoundland by a Government institution call the Rooms in St John's for authenticity. It is the real Passport of John Harvey. If you would like information on this passport E-mail me at I would like someone in Newfoundland to buy it so maybe it will stay here. I believe their is a plaque for him here in St John's or call me at 709 727 8365
> Posted October 27, 2011
It's refreshing to see the more precise term "United States" used on a plaque instead of "American". The latter is often employed on plaques here to mean the United States part of America, implying a reservation on its use, against the rest of the continent. Ontario is as American as Wyoming...or Cuba. Historically, as well, "America" applied to the location of French and British colonies, as well as the U.S. -Wayne
> Posted October 26, 2011
Just read a little about him. Seems to me like an original true Canadian in spirit and deeds! Great to have a plaque about him.
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