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Colonel The Honourable Herbert Alexander Bruce, MD, LLD 1868-1963

Photos by contributor Karl Jacob - Posted September, 2010
Photo Source - Wikipedia
Plaque Location
The Region of Durham
The Township of Scugog
In Port Perry, in Dr. Herbert A. Bruce Community Park
at the west end of Greenway Blvd, west off Simcoe Street
Coordinates: N 44 05.448 W 78 56.640 |
Plaque Text
Herbert Bruce was born at Blackstock in 1868, and grew up on a farm located on this Port Perry site. In 1893, he graduated in medicine from the University of Toronto. Specializing in surgery, he rose to the top of his profession, and in 1911 founded the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. During the First World War, he was appointed Inspector-General of the Canadian Medical Services and produced the Bruce Report, a frank criticism of medical care provided to Canadian soldiers serving overseas. In 1919, Bruce married Angela Hall. Dedicated to public service, Bruce was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Ontario (1932-1937) and served as the Conservative member of Parliament for Parkdale, Toronto (1940-1946). In 1934, Bruce condemned the state of Toronto's poorer neighbourhoods, and was a vocal member of the Opposition during the Second World War. Bruce championed cancer care in the 1920s, social housing in the 1930s, better health care for the military and veterans, and the introduction of contributory health insurance in the 1940s.
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Honourable Herbert Alexander Bruce, M.D. 1868-1963
Scugog Plaques
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