The Region of York - Newmarket In front of the Meeting House on the east side of Yonge Street, 1 ½ blocks north of Mulock Drive (York Road 74)
Text from the Plaque
In 1800 an extensive grant of land in this vicinity was made to Timothy Rogers and Samuel Lundy who, with other members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), settled here in 1801 - 1803. Originally under the religious jurisdiction of the Philadelphia and New York Yearly Meetings, the settlers were organized in 1806 as the Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Friends. In 1807 Asa Rogers deeded two acres of land for a burial ground and three years later William Doan made a similar grant for a meeting house. This simple frame building, begun in 1810, was the first permanent place of worship to be erected in the area north of Toronto. The Society of Friends still continues to worship here.