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Chief William Yellowhead

The County of Simcoe - Orillia
Just inside the entrance to the park at the east end of Tecumseth Street

Alan L Brown

More Information
June 28, 2004

Text from the Plaque
Born about 1769, Yellowhead (Musquakle) served with the British during the war of 1812. Named Chief of the Deer tribe of the Chippewa (Ojibwa) Indians in 1816, he settled with his band at the site of Orillia in 1830 in accordance with Lieutenant-Governor Colborne's plan for gathering nomadic tribes on reserves. Pressure from white settlers forced the Indians to relinquish their land and Yellowhead's band moved to Rama in 1838-39. It is believed that the Muskoka District, which embraced his hunting grounds, was named after this greatly respected chief who died in 1864 and was buried in St. James' churchyard, Orillia.

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