The County of Lambton - Sarnia On the east side of the St. Clair Parkway, just north of a bridge over Talfourd Creek and south of La Salle Line (County Road 35)
Text from the Plaque
The nearby concrete marker, erected in 1911, is one of a series used by surveyors to determine the exact boundary between Canada and the United States. The St. Clair River was originally designated as a boundary line by treaty in 1783. The first detailed survey from St. Regis on the St. Lawrence to Lake of the Woods was carried out under the terms of the Treaty of Ghent, 1814. It was directed by a British Commissioner, John Ogilvy, his successor, Anthony Barclay, and an American commissioner, General Peter B. Porter. A more precise delineation of the whole international boundary was ratified at Washington on January 11, 1909.