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John R. Barber and the Credit River Dynamo

The Region of Halton - Halton Hills
In Georgetown at the SE corner of River Drive and Maple Avenue on the west side of the bridge over the Credit River

Alan L Brown

More Information
May 7, 2004

Text from the Plaque
In 1854, brothers William, James, Joseph and Robert Barber, prominent manufacturers in the Credit Valley, established a paper mill here. Within a few years it had become an important producer of fine rag paper. Fifteen years later, James acquired sole ownership of the mill; soon afterwards it came under his son John's control. John Reaf Barber was an innovative manager who substantially increased the mills production by employing new technology. He equipped the mill to manufacture wood pulp and, in 1888, installed a dynamo to supply additional power. This power plant was reputedly the first in Canada to produce hydro-electric power for use in industrial production. The stone ruins of the dynamo building are still standing, about three kilometres downstream.

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